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Problems to be Solved

Open Inlet / Sand

The sand entry in the raindrainage and filled it (All the year Opened), lead to the accumulation of rainwater in the street

Manual Result

The Fraud in periodic maintenance and relying on manual maintenance incorrect information (incorrect drawing with showing the incorrect number and place of inlet

Manual Work

Removing the inlet heavy cover to check it by more labors

Our Solution

Increase protectively, accurate result and quality

Plastic Close

Plastic and membranes Sheet To protect and preventing the Storm water inlets from sand

The Current wrong Solution from Contractors by:



Summary Layout Drawing Description ((E-Gate - Program) ) 

3. Maintenance Program

•Check the work of the Automatic Gates and battery charge.

•Order the (Distance sensor) to work and clarify the proportion of sand amount inside the inlets

•Data analysis for the percentage of sand inside the inlets as was sent it from (Distance sensor) (if sand amount Low =  will required Labor to remove it) (if sand amount High =  will required Combination Tanker to remove it)

•Showing the percentage of sand by number and place of inlet with time maintenance 

•Check in the storm water Inlet electronically and Mark on drawing program (Without any manual deception using drawing)

Manual Work

Removing the inlet heavy cover to check it by more labors

Plastic Close

Plastic and membranes Sheet To protect and preventing the Storm water inlets from sand

2. Electronic Maintenance

by (Distance sensor) to clarify the proportion of the amount of sand inside the inlets without (removing the inlet cover or check it) the invention is particularly useful in tropical countries (torrential rains are common), or desert countries (wind distributed sand before rains), it reduces the risk of environmental damage by floods

1. Automatically Smart Gates 

for Storm water Inlets (Open & Close) on rain time by (Water sensor) to Prevent the entry of sand in the drainage of rain or filled in it, leading to the accumulation of rainwater in the street outside the storm water Inlet

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